
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Since I haven't been able to start work, I thought I might take a spin on the old bloggin' site. Here is a little bit of what Josh and I have been up to......

1. We twiddle our thumbs.....yes Josh and I both have been held up by the credentialing process for work. The difference, Josh gets to go to work and I occupy space at the house, on base or at the county library. One more place you could find me = the base gas station where I heat up my frozen lean cuisine (classy)

2. We play foosball....and then play more foosball. Apparently Josh used to play foosball pretty competitively back in the day. Josh warned me prior to participating in our first match "I'm kinda of good at this game. No seriously, I'm really good."

3. People watch. At times we have almost had to glue our eyelids shut to keep from staring. Our favorite act......... a middle age woman squatting against a downtown business across from the police station mid-day urinating. Just doesn't get any better than that! Well, I guess the guy walking in the cross walk, on saturday morning, with his boa constrictor around his neck was pretty good too!

4. Another past time....hunting. Yes, we are on a big time hunt. For what you ask!? It seems that we are co-habitating with a large animal that likes fruit. To the date, we have not caught our furry friend.

The original trapping set-up. From this trapping we successfully caught some fur on the sticky mouse pad......the critter is still on the loose.

A super-sized rat trap was set last night........apparently it is smarter than both Josh and myself.

5. REI...finally we have an REI within reach. Saurday Josh and I spent about an hour and a half curbside waiting for the used gear sale to open at REI.

The results......

a. 3 pairs of hiking boots for Jo

b. sunglasses

c. 2 hiking long sleeve, uv protection, wickingshirts

d. hiking pants

e. hiking shorts

f. 2 dog, we do not have a dog.................YET

g. Toe shoes.....yes, I bought a pair of those goofy shoes

h. miner's light/head lamp

i. etc etc.

The damage......we purchased just under $900 of equipment and clothing for $175. It is unbelievable, this stuff is brand spanking new.

6. Hiking in Auburn.....need I say more!?
So, my favorite part of this day....good company and GREAT conversation.....
Josh: "Ouch, it hurts my chest when I run."
Jo: "Why?"
Josh: "Yesterday before I left the gym, I didn't feel like I got my pecks. I went to this new machine to work my pecks and REALLY GAVE 'EM HELL" (Of course Josh said this in an extremely serious face, until he saw that I was bent over and couldn't breath from laughing so hard)

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