We have moved on to the next phase of our lives......PARENTHOOD.
On June 2, 2011, Josh and I went into the hospital for a scheduled induction. By 9am, I was all strapped up and settled into bed with Josh right next to me. After 30 hours of contractions, walking the floors, two epidurals, nausea and vomitting, and pushing for over an hour, SOPHIA RAE BREDING was born by c-section.
As the 30th hour approached, I started running a fever and Sophia was showing some signs of distress. Thus, my midwife called in the MD and withing 10-15 minutes I was in the operating room. I wasn't sad or disappointed about having a c-section, after all it was the best for both Sophia and myself. More importantly, Josh and I finally knew we would be meeting the most important person in our lives.....Miss Sophia......Turtle is still our most important pet!
Both of us received antibiotics, but Sophia ended up with a scalp IV.
We referred to this as her chimney...
Our first family photo
I finally got to meet Sophia face to face.....not fist to rib cage
Daddy's first diaper change